
Welcome to the Way of the Meerkat quiz! Below are 5 questions to test your knowledge on what you've learned about sharing personal info online. After answering all 5 questions, click the button at the bottom of the page to get your results. Good luck!

1. Once you post something to the internet, it can never be deleted.

A.) True                  B.) False

2. You should not post a picture of...

A.) Your face                  B.) Your house

C.) Your personal information                  D.) All of the above

3. Even information that you think is private can become public.

A.) True                  B.) False

4. When should you use your real name for an online username?

A.) Always                  B.) Only on social media

C.) Never

5. Where is it okay to meet up with people you met online?

A.) Only in a public place                  B.) At your house

C.) Anywhere, as long as you trust them                  D.) You should never meet someone from the internet